Focus on the
big picture
Have confidence
in the formatting
Get your paper
polished faster
Your deadline is approaching.
Do you have time to go back and forth with the publisher over small formatting issues?
Can't get your page numbers situated?
Trouble with your table of contents?
Reference list a mess?
I know life in academia—whether you are a graduate student, professor, or researcher—can be hectic.
Your paper is a major labor of love and you're almost to the finish line, but the last mile is daunting and there's already so much competing for your time and brain power. I will ease the stress of completing that last mile so you can cross the finish line celebrating with pride instead of ending in exhaustion.
Meet Your Editor
I'm Cat, an editor specializing in academic and technical papers.
I work with professionals on the final details of academic, scholarly, and technical papers and articles. For example, I help graduate students cross the finish line by copyediting and formatting their thesis or dissertation so they can be confident submitting it to their academic chair, the graduate school, or ProQuest. I also work with career academics, researchers, and other writers to prepare articles, technical reports, and web copy for submission and publication.
I have experience with the following:
APA style
Chicago style
AP style
ProQuest thesis/dissertation formatting
Ready to get started on your project? Contact me to schedule a free call to discuss your project.